"Arqueológicas" is a free App for iOS(iPhone and iPad) and Android (smartphones and tablets), providing a completely innovative way of browsing through the contents of the book. The author has redefined the App as a tool that transforms his book into a digital encyclopaedia, as by selecting the most relevant concepts from a cloud of tags, users can browse through them in a simple, innovative way, making searches, consulting references, quoting texts, and much more besides. The App is a tool that makes it possible to read transversally through the text, breaking away from the linearity of the writing and allowing the user to focus freely on their topics of interest.
This is an essential application for people interested in archaeology, history, cultural heritage and the interdisciplinary dialogue between the humanities and the social sciences.
“Arqueológicas. La razón perdida (Archaeologics: The Reason Lost)”, by Felipe Criado-Boado is a book published by Edicions Bellaterra from Barcelona (Catalunya, Spain) in 2012, whose text explores topics such as archaeological theory, the conditions for the production of archaeological knowledge, and the theory of interpretation. It proposes an original approach towards the problem of constructing meaning in a society marked by multivocality and multiculturalism, in which the necessary respect for alternative forms of knowledge often collides with scientific knowledge. The book seeks a solution to this problem which, by avoiding relativist and solipsistic subjectivism, facilitates intercultural understanding.
Felipe Criado Boado (Linkedin | academia.edu) is Research Professor in CSIC
“Arqueológicas” is a project of the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
This project has been funded by the Consolider 2007-00058 TCP Research Program on Technologies for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage”